
Michael Keaton was an American actor, producer and director, best known as the star of Birdman. Keaton's versatile acting skills make him adept at both comedy and dramatic. His professional career has seen him portray a couple of characters who are romantic, as well as appearing in a few action films. His interest in the acting profession began when he was at the age of teen. He attempted stand-up comedy during his 20s. It was not a successful profession in comedy, but it was a step for a career in acting. Because he could not to succeed as an actor, he decided to be a TV cameraman. When he was working in the station that he realized that it was his dream to be on camera. In a few episodes, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, he got an appearance on television. He was a natural actor, and quickly became a household name on television. His comedic characters made him famous and he began an acting career with big dreams. His fame grew for his portrayal of the famous superhero in Tim Burton's Batman. Over time, his acting skills developed and he was able exploring the possibility of directing and production. The performance he made in Birdman in 2014's Birdman was nominated for numerous nominations and prizes.

Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton Michael-Keaton


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